@incollection{justhis186, number = {27}, author = {Benoit Majerus and Xavier Rousseaux}, series = {Samenleving, criminaliteits \& strafrechtspleging}, booktitle = {The Impact of World War Two on Policing in North-West Europe}, editor = {Cyrille Fijnaut}, title = {The World Wars and Their Impact on the Belgian Police System}, address = {Leuven}, publisher = {Universitaire Pers}, year = {2004}, pages = {43--89}, keywords = {WWII WOII "Premi{\`e}re Guerre mondiale" WWI WOI "Seconde Guerre mondiale" "occupation allemande" "German Occupation" "Duitse bezetting" police politie "R{\'e}forme des polices" "police reform" "politie hervorming" }, url = {http://www.just-his.be/eprints/186/} }