title: L'indignité nationale : un châtiment républicain creator: Simonin, Anne subject: 14. Criminal acts in time of war subject: 02. Sanctions, penal policies and the sequels of punishment subject: 03. Punishment during and after the war (crimes and offences against the security of the State) subject: 8. Coming out of war subject: 2. Second World War subject: 9. Belgium and international justice publisher: Fayard contributor: Baruch, Marc Olivier date: 2003 type: Book Section type: PeerReviewed identifier: Simonin, Anne (2003) L'indignité nationale : un châtiment républicain. In: Baruch, Marc Olivier, (ed.) Une poignée de misérables. L'épuration de la société française après la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Fayard, Paris, pp. 37-60. relation: http://www.just-his.be/eprints/5347/