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Vanderlinden, Jacques, ed. (2014) Main d’oeuvre, Eglise, Capital et Administration dans le Congo des années trente. ARSOM, Bruxelles.

UNSPECIFIED, ed. (1936) Organisation politique et administrative des colonies. Etablissements généraux d’imprimerie, Bruxelles.

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Dewulf, Valentine (2015) “Exilés dans leur propre patrie”. Autour de la relégation au Congo belge (1910-1960). Masters thesis, Université Libre de Bruxelles.

Dunkerley, Marie Elizabeth (2009) Education policies and the development of the colonial State in the Belgian Congo, 1916-1939. PhD thesis, University of Exeter.

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Eggers, Nicole (2013) Kitawala in the Congo: Religion, Politics, and Healing in 20 th -21 st Century Central African History. PhD thesis, University of Madison-Wisconsin.


Feierman, Steven (1995) Healing as social criticism in the time of colonial conquest. African Studies, 54 (1). pp. 73-88.


Gardner, Leigh (2013) Fiscal policy in the Belgian Congo in comparative perspective. In: Frankema, Ewout and Buelens, Frans, (eds.) Colonial Exploitation and Economic Development. The Belgian Congo and the Netherlands Indies Compared. Routledge, London.

Gondola, Charles Didier (1997) Oh, rio-Ma! Musique et guerre des sexes à Kinshasa, 1930-1990. Revue Française d’Histoire d’outre-mer, 84 (314). pp. 51-81.

Gordon, David (2001) Owners of the Land and Lunda Lords: Colonial Chiefs in the Borderlands of Northern Rhodesia and the Belgian Congo. The International Journal of African Historical Studies, 34 (2).


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Hendriks, Thomas (2013) Work in the Rainforest. Labour, Race and Desire in a Congolese Logging Camp. PhD thesis, Catholic University Leuven.

Henriet, Benoit (2015) Colonial Law in the making. Sovereignty and Property in the Congo Free State (1876-1908). Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis / Revue d'Histoire du Droit / The Legal History Review, 83 . pp. 202-225. ISSN 0040-7585

Henriet, Benoit (2015) "Elusive natives": Escaping colonial control through mobility in the Leverville oil palm concession (Belgian Congo), 1923-1941. Canadian Journal of African Studies/ Revue canadienne des études africaines , 49 (2). pp. 339-361.

Henriet, Benoit and Piret, Bérengère and Tousignant, Nathalie (2017) "Travail et Progrès": Labour legislation in Belgian Congo. Rechtskultur - Zeitschrift für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte, 5 . pp. 36-47. ISSN 978-3-86646-434-6

Higginson, John (1989) A Working Class in the Making, Belgian Colonial Labor Policy and the African Mineworker, 1907-1951. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison.

Hillman, John (1997) Chartered companies and the development of the tin industry in Belgian Africa, 1900-1939. African Economic History, 5 (1).

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Hunt, Nancy Rose (1999) A Colonial Lexicon. Of Birth Ritual, Medicalization and Mobility in the Congo. Duke University Press, Durham.

Hunt, Nancy Rose (1994) Letter-writing, Nursing Men and Bicycles in the Belgian Congo: Notes Towards the Social Identity of a Colonial Category. In: Harms, Robert and Miller, Joseph, (eds.) Paths Toward the Past. African Historical Essays in Honor of Jan Vansina. ASA Press, Atlanta.

Hunt, Nancy Rose (1991) Noise over camouflaged Polygamy, Colonial Morality Taxation, and Woman-Naming Crisis in Belgian Africa. The Journal of African History, 32 (3). pp. 471-494.

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